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Again and again, acupuncture is being proven effective in the treatment of pain through scientific research. According to this research, acupuncture stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to release endorphins (natural pain-killing hormones). Endorphines are known to be 200 times more potent than morphines. As well, endorphines play a substantial role in maintaining our serotonin and hormonal levels. This effect is the reason why acupuncture benefits all pain syndromes, balances our emotions, and even treats infertility.
Pain Syndromes Relieved By Acupuncture...
Pain of all types, especially chronic pain and injuries
Low back pain/strain, sciatica
Neck strain/sprain
Shoulder tendonitis
Herniated, bulging discs
Spasms and muscle pulls
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Work related injuries
Neuromas and foot pain, heel spurs, Plantar Facaiitis
Numbness, Bell’s Palsy, strokes
Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis
Post surgical and dental pain
Undiagnosable pain
Menstrual cramps and PMS
Headaches and migraines
Peripheral Neuropathy
1. Acupuncture increases circulation, which speeds up the body’s ability to heal.
2. The scientifically proven release of endorphines, which balance our serotonin
and hormone levels.
3. Acupuncture stops the repetitive cycle of muscle spasms and pain caused by
the nervous system; often encountered after traumatic injury.
4. Post-surgical acupuncture treatment not only helps heal the effected area,
but also decreases scar tissue, which can lead to further pain and a future
lack of mobility.
According to a 2006 Mayo Clinic study, David Martin, MD, PhD reported, “The results of the study convince me there is something more than the placebo effect to acupuncture... It affirms a lot of clinical impressions that this complementary medical technique is helpful for patients.” Dr. Martin is an anesthesiologist.
Duke University published it’s first clinical trial for the use of acupuncture for post-surgical nausea and pain in 2004. Dr. Tong Joo Gan, a Duke anesthesiologist who led the trial, reported, “The patients in our randomized trial who received acupuncture enjoyed a more comfortable recovery from their surgery than those who received an anti-sickness medication. In the areas of PONV (post operative nausea and vomiting) control, pain relief, and general overall satisfaction, acupuncture appears to be more effective than the most commonly used medication, with few to no side effects.”
In 2007, Dr. Gan presented the results of his analysis at the annual scientific conference of the American Society for Anesthesiology in San Francisco. He announced, “While the amount of opioids needed for patients who received acupuncture was much lower than those who did not have acupunctue, the most important outcome for the patient is the reduction of the side effects associated with opioids. These side effects can negatively impact a patient’s recovery from surgery and lengthen the time spent in the hospital.” Based on the results of his analysis, Dr. Gan recommends that acupuncture should be considered a viable option for pain control for surgery patients.
Carolyn Colwell, a reporter for the HealthDay News reported: Dr. Kenneth Levey, a clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York University School of Medicine said Dr. Gan’s finding that adjunctive acupuncture can reduce urinary retention by 3.5 times is especially important. “The risk reduction is huge,” added Dr. Levey.